Any person who works for an employer, should be registered with Social Security and regarded as an Insured Person.

Definition of a Contribution

Each weekly payment received on behalf of an Insured Person is referred to as a Contribution. Each such contribution is converted to a Credit. Thus, an Insured Person who worked for an entire month is entitled to 4 or 5 Credits depending on the number of Mondays in that month. By extension, the entitlement for an entire year is 52 or 53 Credits, depending on the number of Mondays in the year.

In addition, an employee who is in receipt of any Short-term benefit is awarded a Credit for each complete week (Monday through Saturday) during which he is in receipt of that benefit.

The number of Credits an Insured Person has recorded against his number determines:

  • Whether or not he will qualify for benefit.
  • What percentage of his Insurable Earnings he will receive as his pension.
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